Kathy Schumacher

Kathy Schumacher, MT-BC, WMTR


Music Therapist

Currently accepting clients
Phone: 920.369.6753
Email: kathy@tunefulteaching.com
Website: www.TunefulTeaching.com
Place of Employment: Music Therapy Services, LLC

Types of Services

  • Contract for music therapy groups or direct individual service
  • Consultation
  • Community or educational presentations
  • Other related services

Populations Served

  • Alzheimer's/Dementia
  • Autism Spectrum
  • Developmentally Disabled
  • Dual Diagnosed
  • Early Childhood
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Learning Disabled
  • Multiply Disabled
  • Neurologically Impaired
  • Physically Disabled
  • Rett Syndrome School Age Population
  • Speech Impaired
  • Visually Impaired

Settings Served

  • Child/Adolescent Treatment Center
  • Children's Day Care/Preschool
  • Community Based Service
  • Early Intervention Program
  • Group Home
  • Music Therapy Business Owner
  • Private Music Therapy Agency
  • School (K-12)
  • Self Employed/Private Practice

Age Ranges

  • Infants (0 - 2)
  • Children (0 – 12)

Areas Served