Entries by Music Therapy

$800K Awarded to U of M Professor and Pediatric Neurologist to Study Music Therapy’s Benefits on Premature Infants

A grant for $800K was granted to the U of M Music Therapy Professor Michael Silverman, Phd, MT-BC and pediatric neurologist Sonya Wang, MD. They will use this grant to fund research to study how music therapy benefits premature infants in the hospital. See the full article here: https://med.umn.edu/news-events/u-m-professor-awarded-800k-grant-study-how-music-therapy-impacts-neurodevelopment-and-pain-preterm-infants-0?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=music_therapy_nicu_study&fbclid=IwAR2N5S-tKJ0DyDpRoPqBIXWxTEm6p3YN3T1ru1opqMXWPz_h-6gEIlerxiU

Dr. Dale Taylor Interview

The text of a 2015 interview with Dr. Dale Taylor was republished in the June 2019 issue of Honoring Choices, the Newsletter of the Wisconsin Medical Society’s Honoring Choices Wisconsin program. In the interview, Prof. Taylor explains the importance of including music choices in Advance Directives, an initiative that he began working on in 2015 and which […]